The Coach House in Action

Celebrate! The Coach House is a Success!
It's been so so wonderful to see you all using and enjoying our very special new 'bridal suite' The Coach house. Many of you already know how much work has gone into renovating the old building and turning it into a bridal prep pad, so you can imagine we've all been holding our breath to see it in action. The most sacred and magical of times, the night before the wedding has been enjoyed by many of you over the summer in the new Coach House, and it seems to be working out just as we'd hoped...
A Home From Home
We always had in mind that this would be a place to relax and get into the wedding groove, being on site and a few moments away from the main wedding venue, but also totally contained makes it perfect on paper, and it's so wonderful to see you all treating it just as we wanted and making it your home for the night...
Getting Ready
Getting ready with your best friends is quite often just as much fun as the party itself. As The Coach House comes as standard for the night before the wedding with every booking at Elmore, it had to have the perfect space for pampering and bonding before the big day...
Nerves to Excitement
After pyjama parties, bonding and pampering the nerves turn to excitement and it's time to get married!
Thank you so much to the lovely couples who allowed us to share these special moments. We can't say how proud it makes us to see you having so much fun and feeling so relaxed in the new Coach House. Here's to many more magical memories!