Take the tour
There is nothing like actually being here at Elmore, but with one thing and another, right now that's not always possible. So we've made things as easy as we can for you to have a ganders round our lovely home from the comfort of your own.
We are of course open for viewings in person; if you'd like to book an appointment please get in touch.
Here's a couple of ways to explore digitally... Scroll down for 3D virtual walk-round of the three main buildings (which is awesome) or watch a little video that we made at the same time as our new drone piloted mega movie.
Hopefully you'll find it all easy to figure out and you'll get an idea of what the inside of the house, the coach house and the Gillyflower are like by following the tabs below.
But please do call us if you have any questions or if you'd like to book a viewing.
(PS If you have one of those cases that turns your phone into a virtual reality headset then you really get a feel of the place (Google cardboard is the least expensive and easy to, well, google...))
(PPS there's a unicorn hiding somewhere. Can you find it? We might give you a a magic cocktail if you can!)